How does 3D printing work?
STEP 1: 3D Scanning
Like a photograph, it only takes a second to capture a person or pet using 89 synchronized cameras with 178 photos. The photos are then assembled (similiar to a jigsaw puzzle) The image is printed on a 3D color printer where layer after layer of sandstone is applied to create the shape.
The first step is to enter the booth. We have you try multiple poses. The best poses are sent to your email, to review, keep and share to social media
After you select your favorite pose, the computer will spend another 1-2 hours improving the resolution for 3D printing.
Step 2: Sending the data file to the Printer
A short video showing a batch of 20cm figurines being printed on a 3DSystems 660Pro ceramic printer.
steP 3: The final product
You can either pickup your figurine in our studio, or we can ship it anywhere in the world (from China to Norway) in 2-3 weeks from when you were scanned.
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